St. Vincent at Hayden Homes Amphitheater (Photo Gallery)
Touring behind her stellar self-produced seventh album, All Born Screaming, multi-instrumentalist and rock goddess Annie Clark, aka St. Vincent, brought her style, her swagger, and her guitar-shredding skills to Bend’s Hayden Homes Amphitheater for a night of pure rock bliss on the Deschutes River, with support from Spoon. Photos by Jenny Shackleton.

Jenny Shackleton (she/her) is a photographer based in Portland, OR, originally hailing from Philadelphia, PA. Her love for live music started over 15 years ago after seeing the Jonas Brothers perform on their Burning Up tour in 2008 and the rest is history. As a naturally shy person, it’s surprising she feels so comfortable at concerts with hundreds of people attending, but has always believed that they are special, somewhat liminal, spaces. Everyone is there for the same reason: to have the best night and see artists pour their souls’ onto the stage. That is what Jenny likes to capture in her photos. Jenny enjoys spending time outside with her partner and their dog, watching movies, and owning way too many sneakers.